Centro EAC, the Communication Arts Center of the Jesuit University Alberto Hurtado founded in September 2000 with a grant from the Ford Foundation, is an advanced and interdisciplinary university Center whose aim is to expand the creative, humanistic and pluralistic development of the most diversified audiovisual communication arts world, in Chile and the Americas.

Its working methodology includes the investigative and reflective dissemination --in interaction with different audiences-- of innovative, creative and significant audiovisual works of art expressive of human experiences immersed in complex social and cultural realities, intending to develop a stronger civil society more expressive of its own cultural diversity, in the context of a globalized world.

Centro EAC has five working programs

Centro EAC, the Communication Arts Center of the Jesuit University Alberto Hurtado.
Almirante Barroso 40, Santiago de Chile. Phone 56-2- 6717130, extensions 293, 321, 205. Fax 56-2-6986873. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
www.centroeac.cl / www.eacmagazine.cl / www.uahurtado.cl

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